Our Model of Care
How we Care and What We Care About
A person is more than a body. A community is more than a collection of individuals.
At Maple City Health Care Center, we integrate clinical care with behavioral health care, nutrition, chronic disease management, pregnancy care, dental care, vision care, and social support. (We even remove gang-related tattoos.)

Group Care
Groups Improve Health and Build Community
Neighbors learn to know and support each other through our Healthy Living Groups, Centering Pregnancy and Centering Parenting groups, and through our Substance Use Disorder treatment group.

Culturally Informed Care
Each Person’s Culture Influences Health and Contributes to a Resilient Community
We hire staff and recruit board members from the cultures of our patients.
“One of the things that I get at Maple City is that I have value -- as a person, a woman, wife, mother, whatever my title. I have something to offer. That means a lot to me.”
Fruits of the Model

High Quality Care
Cancer screening, chronic disease management, vaccination rates -- by almost any measure, the quality of our care engenders the loyalty of our patients, the respect of our peers, and the support of our funders.

Reduced Global Cost of Care
Our generous investment in primary care results in a 40% reduction in the total, overall cost of healthcare for our patients.
Staff and Patient Satisfaction
Members of our staff enjoy meaningful work, healthy relationships, cultural diversity, mutual caring, and a pervasive spirit of generosity and abundance.
All of These Services – Integrated and Accessible
- Care for Illness and Injury
- Interpretation
- Pregnancy Care
- Health Insurance Navigation
- New Baby Care
- Dental Care
- Counseling
- Eye Care
- Chronic Disease Care
- Substance Use Disorder Treatment
- Social Services
- Tattoo Removal